Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hello from your moderator!

Hi, my name is Annie Reifsnyder and I am your glorious moderator this year. I am half done with the Nonprofit Program at UWM. I work for the 53rd Street Boys and Girls Club as their program manager. Before coming to Milwaukee, I lived in West Africa as a Peace Corps Volunteer for three and a half years.

So, why this blog
and what do we hope to accomplish.

The Nonprofit program is new and still in its developmental stages, so we strive to really connect students. So many times we wonder what classes to take, where to look for books in the library, and even what jobs are out there after you graduate.

This blog hopes to tackle a little bit of that. Every Sunday, I will post a question and please comment, the more the merrier.

If you have questions you want answered, email us at

Drum roll please...this weeks question.

Who are you and what do you hope to gain from this blog?


  1. My name is Molly Collins, I am the Vice President of Finance for NLSA and a student in the Master's program for Nonprofit Management and Leadership at UWM. I am looking forward to using this blog as a tool to better communicate with other students in the program.

  2. I'm Jenny Steinman Heyden and I'm the current President of NLSA and soooo happy for this blog and Annie for knowing the right solution at the right time. Now let's get the word out and start maximizing on our educational investment!

  3. Hello! My name is Brooke Thompson and I will be starting the NPO Management and Leadership program this fall. I am relocating from Honolulu and I am hoping this blog with facilitate my efforts to become involved in the UWM scene!

  4. Hi Everyone,

    I'm Kasia Drake, starting my third semester in the Nonprofit Management program this fall. I think the blog is a fabulous idea, especially if it is utilized and has strong participation from people in the program! I hope to use the blog to discuss topics and issues of interest within the NP Mgmt program, and also within the local and national NP Sector. It would be great to be able to post news and discussions on things happening at nonprofits, relating topics to those we learn about in class.

    See you all in a month (wow). Peace out!
