Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Meeting Minutes

Please see the meeting minutes from November's Monthly Membership Meeting.

November 4, 2009 Membership Meeting

Start: 8:18

1. Class registration is right around the corner. What was your favorite class? What classes are you looking forward to or need advice on?
2. Shout outs / Kudos?

Brooke and Michelle - VP Membership
1. We need to start getting our minutes approved by members.
2. Please pay your dues to the President or VPs – Brooke will send out an e-mail to those who have not yet paid.
3. Presentation by Dennis Young: Fee Income and Pricing for Nonprofits: expanding the financial base for mission achievement
• December 10th from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. at the Milwaukee County War Memorial.
• He will also be presenting a different topic from 3:30-5pm later that day. (Jenny has more info.)

Molly - VP Finance
1. Went over NLSA balance sheet
a. We’ve received $34 total in membership dues
b. We doing okay on grant spending

Justin - VP Policy
1. Overview of grants
a. Applied for three grants.
b. Travel grant for tech conference in Atlanta next year. We didn’t get interest from general membership for proposals of travel grant, so we wrote it for four ppl. If we don’t send four people, we will have to give back, the grant money. We will find out about this grant by next weekend.
i. Is anyone is interested in going to the nonprofit technology conference? Go to http://www.nten.org/ntc for further conference information.
ii. It starts on 04/08/2010 at 8:00am and ends: 04/10/2010 - 7:00pm
iii. Members interested so far: Megan S., Kyle, Michelle, Damian, Molly, & Justin
c. Events grant – Will be used for the speaker from Bridgespan. We are working with the Helen Bader Institute for that.
d. Operations grant - Will hopefully use to get a library going out of office.
e. Think now about what you want to do next fall. Deadline comes really fast.
f. Networking Event – We need more time to discuss this. We need to get radio spots for this event asap. We need 20 seconds worth of writing.
i. Event proposal form for nonprofits to fill out is on the NLSA blog

Bill - VP Events
1. Make a Difference Day - Jeff, Megan, and Annie will be attending.
a. They will be raking leaves for the elderly and winterizing houses. We have about six or seven volunteers signed up. Thanks Megan for the idea.
2. UWM Basketball Game
a. Jim will be in charge of organizing this, because Bill will be unavailable. Free admission with ID. NLSA banner will be up.
3. Career Fair
a. It will now be calling a “Professional Networking Fair”. “Career Fair“ implies it would get you a job. This is an unreasonable goal to have.
b. Will have a food table up front and 10-20 nonprofits with their booths.
c. Career Development Center promised a resume helper. Everyone email your resume ahead of time if you want. We will print off resumes for you. We will give it to the resume expert who will give you feedback beforehand. She will have your resume on file and will have a meeting with you. Date to send resumes to NLSA by will be figured out within the next two weeks.
d. We have a big copy budget remaining, so that is why we are willing to print resumes off for you. If you are not looking for a job, just tell us and we won’t print any for you.
e. This event is open to UWM grad and undergrad students.
f. Union room 280 is where the event will take place.
g. Nonprofit Center will have a representative (maybe Meghan) with a computer to talk about jobsthatserve.com.
h. So far, 35 or 40 people plan on attending the event.
i. Perhaps we could ask the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network Club if their nonprofits would like to have a booth.
j. We could put an ad in the UWM newspaper and student activities website to invite others to the event… do we want this to be a school-wide event or just for NLSA members? We decided school-wide.
k. We need to start calling nonprofits to attend. If you have a personal connection to these nonprofits, please step up and help.
l. Are there any other nonprofits you want to attend? Annie will send us a list of nonprofits that plan on attending. We will create a Google doc and we can add whatever nonprofits we want.
m. Parking is $5.
n. Elton wants his firm to attend. They are a for-profit company that works closely with nonprofits and hires very diverse employees. Working with them could be good for the future to solicit donations from or work with.
o. Maximum capacity for organizations is probably 20. There will be two nonprofits per table. We might break them off by their category… arts, environmental, etc.
p. We want to know if the nonprofits are looking for volunteers, employees, etc.
q. We will put a Word doc registration form on the NLSA blog so nonprofits can fill it out and email it to NLSA

Annie - President
1. Please sign the thank you card.
2. This Friday is the 18th Annual National McNair Research Conference and Graduate Fair in Delevan, Wisconsin. Kyle and Damian will be representing us.
3. PR opportunities with the BLOG
a. A lot of Nonprofit Management students have been emailing Annie information regarding their NPO. Feel free to tell us about activities you are doing. For example, Adam’s House of Blue Hope, Nita’s Pink Banana Theatre, etc.
4. Book drive – Another professor has donated.

Genderal Membership

Justin - Last year’s library tour was a great success – probably most productive NLSA event. We need to talk to the librarian for an orientation. When would be a good time for an orientation? This was great to familiarize ourselves with research tools. He would be willing to set this up if no one else will.

End 9:10

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