Monday, February 1, 2010

Welcome to Spring 2010

We are one week in to the semester and I realize I have not officially welcomed in the new semester. The Nonprofit Leadership Student Association has grown leaps and bounds thanks to your hard work and determination.

For those of you new to our organization, NLSA was founded in 2008 with a simple goal in mind - to develop students into leaders within the nonprofit sector. As a means to that end we have sent students to the premier nonprofit research conferences, hosted study groups, established a resource library, sponsored our first ever professional networking events, and we are the reigning intramural trivia champions.

If you are just starting in the program, finishing your last semester, or checking out this blog to keep up as an alumni we look forward to providing you the most up to date information about what we are doing.

With that said, we had an executive meeting a few weeks ago and established a few goals, I would like to share.

·Training: Need more comprehensive training for next year. Perhaps have training with a social component to get to know one another.
·Meetings: Leave more room for member discussion.
·Events: They should have a clear, professional purpose. Are they social or professional? Announce event dates far in advance.
·Grants: Obtain more suggestions from general membership regarding grant allocations. Educate members about conferences.
·Connections: Continue making connections with UWM, the greater MKE community, and NLSA alumni. Have alumni events, such as an alumni banquet, b-ball game, etc. We have more of a comprehensive email list now.

That is all for now and I look forward to seeing you in class or one of our future events. Please stop by and hear Melissa Brown speak tomorrow and have some snacks after. We also would like to invite you to our first monthly membership meeting, next week Tuesday, at 8:30 p.m. in Room 147 of the Student Union.

Have an amazingly successful semester! And if you ever need anything, please do not hesitate to contact me personally.

~ Annie Reifsnyder,
NLSA President

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