Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March Meeting Minutes

NLSA Membership Meeting Minutes

March 9, 2010

· Brooke has dues for Molly
· E-mails from Melissa Brown have been added to our g-mail account
· Two more paid members – Andrea and Christina

Policy and Procedure
· Atlanta conference update
o Almost all taken care of except for the hotel.
o Booked flights independently - not with grant money
o Conference paid for and registered already.
o Will cost about $400 total per person out of pocket
· New grant deadlines are due next Friday, first come first serve, sooner the better
o Grant writing this weekend? Can we do grant writing over e-mail?
· Sign up for ARNOVA. It’s in DC, in November right before Thanksgiving next year.
· Nonprofit research presentation this coming Monday, March 15th.
· Travel grant, speaker grant, technology grant for computer? Have to apply every year for office – we did that already. We need grants for ARNOVA and to bring a speaker in.
· We will have grant funding before May
· Do we want to pay for a speaker? It was great to have three classes in one room for Melissa Brown
o All but one member wants to support funding for a speaker next fall. Most agree to wait until spring for a speaker.
· We are fine on operations - need nothing for printing, good on office supplies
· Event grant is for next fall semester.
· Emergency grants are for brand new organizations.
· Have to be very specific with grant application – date, time, etc.
· Networking Fair.
o Maybe we could just copy and paste grant papers?
o We need to pick a date for the networking fair now for grant application.
o All we applied for were radio ads and TV ads this past year (didn't use these ads), so we just want to do a union banner.
o How many more people do we want to attend? We want more organizations and more students, broader reach of students. We’d have to request a room now.
o Put more eggs in one basket on the networking event than a speaker for the fall. Networking Fair in fall, speaker in spring.
· There’s something called a fund transfer request form…we could possibly transfer grant funds into a travel grant…? Speaker money could possibly be used to pay for travel grant and would take away burden for Atlanta attendees. Let’s look into it.
· We need three people to write the grants. This Thursday, Brooke, Justin, & Bill will meet at 6pm to write them. Should go relatively quickly.

· Same as last month, except two people paid their dues.
· Hopefully we will have all of the grant figured out.
· Receivable from Helen Bader… we didn’t receive it. Annie will ask Lisa about it. Should we save it for next year?

· Goodbye JPS party is set in stone – video is being made for him.
o Programming is going to be short and simple, Scott Galsner will give a small speech, give a couple of toasts.
o Will be at the Helen Bader Foundation.
o Bill will send another email to us.
o Might be recording at Special Olympics for JPS’ video piece
· Special Olympics Sunday
o We have 18 people – some are friends of Bill.
o Photographer from Journal Sentinel is coming, donating pictures to the Special Olympics.
o We might be in the paper.
o Should have received an e-mail confirmation. If u didn’t get confirmation, re-fax your application.

· Library now open – additional books – purchased from Amazon.com. We now have an abundance of books in the library.
· Incorporation help? Anyone want to help incorporate student organizations/nonprofit organizations? Annie will be sending e-mails to student organizations, asking if they would like our services.
· Library resource session at UWM is on March 15th. Very helpful for those doing research, capstone class. Need to RSVP. No cost involved. Well cover how to effectively use the online library. Was very useful. Will ask Barb Duffy if people can come in late.

PR Blast Off
· Variety Pepsi Challenge – Vote for Variety! Pepsi is giving away grants. They are giving away 5k 25k 50k 250k grants to organizations. Variety is in running for 25K category. Can vote 10 times every day in March, refresheverything.com/variety… look at nlsa blog. Can use facebook account for voting.
· April 14th is volunteer celebration (megan, volunteer center)

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