Sunday, October 18, 2009

BYOP and Grant Proposals - On October 25th!

Join us for a B.Y.O.P.
Bring Your Own Pumpkin!!!

When: October, 25th 2009 at 3:00PM
Where: 2741 N. 67th Street Milw, WI
(See directions to the left!)

Here’s an opportunity to “face” your fear of pumpkins. The
Nonprofit Leadership Student Association invites you to the
first carving contest, fall potluck, and networking event of
the semester!

Bring: Pumpkin and/or dish

We will also have Rock Band, Bags, and other backyard games. Football games will also be going! Hope to see you there!


Large grant proposals are due on Oct. 30 so please spend some time thinking about events that you would like to see NLSA hosting or taking part in. Ideas include bringing speakers to campus, traveling to conferences, etc. Please see the activities form, fill it out and either bring it to the BYOP on Oct. 25 where membership can vote on which ideas we would like to pursue for next semester. If you can not attend on Oct. 25 email the forms to Justin at

Student Hosted Event Proposal for NLSA


Your Name: _______________________________________, Degree anticipated:________
Are you currently a NLSA Member?________
Estimated Costs Associated with Project: (describe)______________________________
Estimated DATE of EVENT:______________

General Description:
1. Please describe how does this concept helps fulfills NLSA’s mission?
2. Are you willing to be the leader for this project?
3. What is your available time commitment to devote to the project?
a. Projected # of NLSA Volunteers needed to present or fulfill commitment?
b. Projected # Participants Required to proceed with event?

Use additional pages as necessary. Please submit to

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