Sunday, October 4, 2009

Take me out to the MEETING!

Good morning! I am coming to you live from the NLSA offices on the third floor of the Student Union. Have you come by to see us yet? I am here every Tuesday night and some Sundays, so please stop by and wave.

This weeks posts is about our exciting meeting this week.
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7th to be exact.

We will be meeting in the Student Union right outside the doors to Bolton Hall. It will take place right after accounting class and only last around 30 minutes. We will all head down to The Gasthaus after as well.

If you come to any meeting this year, I would recommend attending this one. Two reasons: first, we are planning and setting the calendar of events for the rest of the semester. We are planning everything from a Rock Band Pumpkin night to a UWM basketball game. Second, we are applying for conference grants. Nine students have already benefited from University funds to further their professional and scholarly career. It really is an amazing opportunity that you should really benefit from. With that said, if you know of any conferences that would advance your degree here at UWM, please bring them to the meeting.

Cheers, all for now! See you Wednesday!

Oppss, wait, this weeks discussion question: Who is excited for the meeting?

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