Sunday, August 16, 2009

NLSA Networking

Today I am in recovery mode after a fun filled afternoon with my NLSA folks. Who knew yard games, a grill, and rock band could equal such madness. Seriously, we had such an amazing time that it makes me want to write about some of the lighter moments we have as graduate student students. Our program is small and that can be a blessing or a curse, but so far I have counted my blessing far more. Seeing familiar faces in classes makes the work easier and the networking plentiful. So, I want to give a few personal examples:

Networking NLSA style:
-- The Boys and Girls Club has been visited by the Wisconsin Honey Queen twice thanks to Jim Piechowski.
-- Molly Collins put me in contact with her boss at Variety Children's Charity, which benefited from a penny fundraiser we did at school.
-- Thanks to a NLSA event I saw my first UWM Men's Basketball game.
-- Thanks to a funding grant through NLSA I will be attending a professional conference in Cleveland.

The bottom line is that prior to coming to Milwaukee, I was a Chicago girl who felt a little out of place. Through my contacts at UWM, I now feel like I know soooo many more people and have social events to balance my academic schedule.

So, this weeks question:
What have you gained from being in NLSA and in the nonprofit community at UWM? OR What types of things are you looking for (Anything from a good restaurant to a job)?

1 comment:

  1. I have a pretty random question regarding UWM and parking/commuting. I'm going to start the program in the Fall and just relocated to the area. I live south of Milwaukee in St. Francis and am unsure how I will be getting to class. From my brief research, it looked like there isn't really any permitted parking lots available for students. I saw there is a bus that picks up at a few locations where you can leave your car although I'm not sure of the details. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.
