Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Three B's!

Here is the deal, we have a lot to cover, the semester is exactly one week away. AHHH! Did that fly by for anyone else? So, I am going to try to cram in as much information as possible into this blog, by highlighting the three all important B's: Busing, Books, and Booze. Well, at least two out of three are important, but just consider the third an important and relevant form of social networking.

Here we go...

This was a question asked last week and one I wanted to share with everyone. Yes, an amazing perk to being a UWM student is the U pass, which after August 23rd means all students can ride for free. Believe it or not there are 9 direct routes to UWM, 3 park and ride lots, and 3 U park lots. All of this is available here. Now, what have been my personal experiences. I love the bus, it takes me right from work. But, this is a nail biting option if you have a 5:30 class and your bus is supposed to arrive at 5:25 p.m. Let's just say you should leave yourself plenty of time. So, you do not want to cut it close, there are several parking solutions. First, the two main lots: Lubar and the Student Union. Here you pay: about 5 or 6 bucks a night depending on how long you stay. Street parking is not bad either, I personally have had a lot of success parking on Downer, just south of campus, here hourly parking stops at 4 p.m. Getting to UWM is definitely a little bit of a puzzled maze, but after a few weeks you'll get your routine down.

Believe it or not, all your courses should already have a book list, available at the campus bookstore online. Now, if you want to save some money shop around now for online offers or comment below and see if any veterans of the program have some books to loan.

Okay, a bit of a stretch, but all good things come in threes. Pretty much most class nights look for a few non profit students at the Gasthaus. Enjoying a beer and some good conversation. Please join us!

Alrighty, that leaves us this this weeks question:

For new students any further housekeeping type questions? And for our old fogies...What has worked best for you?


  1. awesome blog Annie - you're ON it...though as are am an old fogie, I would say the bus is exactly a nailbiter but sometimes beautiful. everyone should buy a flash drive if not already done so, and we should set up a library orientation for nlsa like last year. Remind me - I'll get one for us.

  2. According to the campus map, the parking lot under Lubar is public after that right? You would have to pay to park there though correct? I'd really like to drive but obviously it's probably not worth paying $5 or more per day to park. I may have to figure out the whole UPARK thing.

  3. No, lubar is not public, however, there are paid spots right outside of lubar that you only need to pump quarters into until 6 p.m. Which is great if you get to campus before 5 p.m. Also, the lubar lot and the union lot fill up quickly, you usually need to get there before 5 p.m. Good luck with the UPARK, I hope you come to our welcome event on Sept. 13th, and we might have some non blogging members who can give you some insight as well.

  4. Thanks for the input. Just to clarify, if I were to get to Lubar around 5pm and park there, it costs $1.25/hour to park in the lot? Basically I'd be looking at $3.75-$5.00/day to park there? If I can find a spot and that's what it will cost, I may consider paying up and doing that instead of dealing with the upark stuff.
