Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ready for classes??

As I get ready for the Bears to win against the Broncos, I realize that our preseason is also all but over. This weeks post will be short and to the point. Welcome to the big show ladies and gentleman...the semester has begun. Instead of rambling, I have 5 quick tips as we get started.

Annie's survival guide:
1. Show up 5 to 10 minutes early and introduce yourself to as many people as possible.
2. Get ahead from the beginning. The workload tends to be lighter, why not read a chapter ahead.
3. Get a calendar together ASAP with all your tests and assignments.
4. Sit next to people you don't know during your classes. You'll see and talk to your mates after class, but expand those horizons as much as possible.
5. Social networking rocks! Invite a classmate out after class.

So, with that riveting insight, let's move on to this weeks question.
What tips would you have in your survival guide?

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