Wednesday, September 30, 2009

UWM Job Recources


I know many of you are on the job hunt. I just received three emails today and wanted to pass them along. I sadly know no more details than those provided, but if you have questions respond to the emails provided.

Also...Wednesday, October 7th is our first monthly meeting at 8:15 in the Student Union. Look forward to seeing you there.

The Center for Volunteerism and Student Leadership is hiring for student staff. Please email Laurie Marks, CVSL Director, at for more information.

The Women’s Resource Center is hiring for student staff. Please email Cathy Seasholes, WRC Director, at for more information.

All Majors Career Day is October 15 from 10:00-2:00 in the Wisconsin Room. Despite all the "doom and gloom" in the media about the job market, we have a packed house--94 employers coming to interact and in many cases, recruit students for both internships and full-time opportunities. Don’t miss this chance to meet and discuss career opportunities with representatives from businesses, government agencies, social service organizations, and graduate schools! For more Career Day preparation tips, along with organizations that will be attending, positions they have available and majors they are seeking visit:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Quick conference update!

This is from one of our members - Andrea Luecke. Also, in case you're interested, you can hear her in a Lake Effect interview with Milwaukee Shines solar coach. It will be aired this Thursday at 10 am and 11 pm on WUWM 89.7 FM. Listen to Andrea and support our NLSA members!

Join renowned industry experts as they discuss the benefits of solar energy for your home, business and career!

Now in its fifth year, the Wisconsin Solar Decade Conference is your source for the latest news, information, tips and technologies in the world of solar energy. Register today to hear from top industry experts and attend dozens of exhibits, workshops and panel discussions as you discover the state of the technology, the state of the market and where both will be tomorrow!

Learn about the latest solar energy applications for your home and business
Discover opportunities to tap the renewable energy market and expand your business
Network with fellow builders, contractors, homeowners and business owners
Hear from nationally known keynote speakers!

Dr. Lawrence L. Kazmerski, executive director of Science and Technology Partnerships, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Travis Bradford, founder and president, Prometheus Institute for Sustainable Development

Register online before noon on September 30 and save $50!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Executive Meeting Summary and Notes

Well folks,

We just had a very effective and efficient executive meeting. Below you will find a quick reference for what was discussed. If you need or want clarification, please do not hesitate to email us for the complete meeting minutes. Again, I want to emphasize we are not anywhere near a nonprofit board that makes decisions without you. Instead I like to think of us as the association representatives, trying to encompass your thoughts and feelings into what we discuss and actively participate in.

But, I is a summary of what we talked about today.

4:15 - 5:00 New Executive Training with Old Executives
5:00 - 6:00 New Executive Meeting

* Welcome, time to get down to business!
* Events (Bill)
- Ideas for calendar event
* Membership (Brooke and Michelle)
- Creating a standardized form for all meetings and events
- A information sheet about NLSA for potential new students
* Policy (Justin)
- University deadlines for grants this year
* Finance (Molly)
- Current financial standing
* President (Annie)
- Book drive
- Career Fair

In the coming weeks we are going to highlight some of topics covered and definitely expand upon these topics, namely all the cool events we are in the process of planning.

So, that leaves us to this weeks question: If you were to create an information sheet about NLSA for new students what types of information would you like to include on that?

Finally, start writing in those calendars, it is never to early. First membership meeting for NLSA is Wednesday, October 7th at 8:15 p.m. Be there!! We will have treats!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Thursday Trivia

I am one day late, and feel horrible about it. However, I was living it up in Indiana celebrating a friends new home. I know, very lame excuse.

So, this weeks post is to tell of a fun activity we just started and then get some much needed feedback.

First, this past Thursday was the beginning of the Naughty 990's, the NLSA intermural trivia team. After 6 grueling rounds and over 50 questions we came in tied for third. We were one of only two teams on the over 21 side, which I think helped us on some of the lesser known, that happened when we were in high school believe it or not questions. Trivia is just another attempt for our organization to truly become a member of the UWM family, a real goal for our organization. Our new officers are as follow:

President: Annie Reifsnyder
VP Membership: Michelle Rose & Brooke Thompson
VP Special Events: Bill Richards
VP University Relations: Justin Shoman
VP Finance: Molly Collins

Congratulations to the new Executive Committee!

Finally, question time. The new executive board of NLSA is meeting next week. Two questions: First, should we make executive meetings open to all members? Second, what should be our new agenda this year? Respond, it is only a comment away!

Oh, and last but certainly not least. Get out and vote. What activities do you want this semester?? Look to your left and complete the poll.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's a new day!

Well our first full year as a student organization is in the books and we Welcomed in year two with two very successful welcome events.

On Wednesday, September 9th NLSA participated in the UWM student organization fair. The crowd was mostly undergraduates, but that did not stop us from signing-up over 30 interested perspective students for both our organization and the Graduate program.

Then, today over 25 of us welcomed in the new school year at Oakland Trattoria. Thanks to the support of Variety Children's Charity, Ritz Holmann LLP, and the Helen Bader Institute we drank beer and stuffed ourselves with pizza. Our event concluded with elections and new officers were elected for this coming year. More to come in later blogs about that!

Well, let's move on to this weeks' question. Over the semester, based on student feedback, blog questions will focus on class specific questions.

We will begin with Law.

For students who have taken the class: What is your advice on getting started for our projects and papers?
For students taking class now: What topics are you thinking about tackling?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Welcome Event! Sept. 13th

Guess what??? Week one is done, well except for our Law class, which I am very excited about. I am going to start off with the question first.

How did we do? What classes did you like? What do you hope this blog becomes during the school year?

Now, here is what I want to talk about this week! Our welcome event! Here is the invite.