Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's a new day!

Well our first full year as a student organization is in the books and we Welcomed in year two with two very successful welcome events.

On Wednesday, September 9th NLSA participated in the UWM student organization fair. The crowd was mostly undergraduates, but that did not stop us from signing-up over 30 interested perspective students for both our organization and the Graduate program.

Then, today over 25 of us welcomed in the new school year at Oakland Trattoria. Thanks to the support of Variety Children's Charity, Ritz Holmann LLP, and the Helen Bader Institute we drank beer and stuffed ourselves with pizza. Our event concluded with elections and new officers were elected for this coming year. More to come in later blogs about that!

Well, let's move on to this weeks' question. Over the semester, based on student feedback, blog questions will focus on class specific questions.

We will begin with Law.

For students who have taken the class: What is your advice on getting started for our projects and papers?
For students taking class now: What topics are you thinking about tackling?

1 comment:

  1. The following is my law school buddy's approach to reading cases, as I read each case last semester I took notes on these four things:

    Issue: What is the case trying to solve?
    Facts: Who are the players in the case and how did it get to court?
    Reasoning: How did the court determmine the ultimate outcome?
    Holding: What was the final determination of the case and how did they see the interaction between the facts and the law?

    Anyway, I loved the class. Enjoy!
