Monday, September 21, 2009

Thursday Trivia

I am one day late, and feel horrible about it. However, I was living it up in Indiana celebrating a friends new home. I know, very lame excuse.

So, this weeks post is to tell of a fun activity we just started and then get some much needed feedback.

First, this past Thursday was the beginning of the Naughty 990's, the NLSA intermural trivia team. After 6 grueling rounds and over 50 questions we came in tied for third. We were one of only two teams on the over 21 side, which I think helped us on some of the lesser known, that happened when we were in high school believe it or not questions. Trivia is just another attempt for our organization to truly become a member of the UWM family, a real goal for our organization. Our new officers are as follow:

President: Annie Reifsnyder
VP Membership: Michelle Rose & Brooke Thompson
VP Special Events: Bill Richards
VP University Relations: Justin Shoman
VP Finance: Molly Collins

Congratulations to the new Executive Committee!

Finally, question time. The new executive board of NLSA is meeting next week. Two questions: First, should we make executive meetings open to all members? Second, what should be our new agenda this year? Respond, it is only a comment away!

Oh, and last but certainly not least. Get out and vote. What activities do you want this semester?? Look to your left and complete the poll.


  1. 1. I don't think making exec meetings open to all is really necessary.
    2. It would be cool to have the meeting schedule for regular folk - posted somewhere, like here or on the fb.

  2. Just want to point out that the Executive Committee is not the board of the organization. We should not be making any decisions (unless it is a sincere emergency) in Exec meetings. The purpose of those meetings would be to set the agenda for the full membership meeting. That's kind of the extent of the power of the committee, according to our bylaws. That being said, I don't see why anyone couldn't attend, however as I would advocate for infrequent Exec meetings and so would be in favor of meeting on an as-needed basis, rather than publishing a set schedule.
