Sunday, September 27, 2009

Executive Meeting Summary and Notes

Well folks,

We just had a very effective and efficient executive meeting. Below you will find a quick reference for what was discussed. If you need or want clarification, please do not hesitate to email us for the complete meeting minutes. Again, I want to emphasize we are not anywhere near a nonprofit board that makes decisions without you. Instead I like to think of us as the association representatives, trying to encompass your thoughts and feelings into what we discuss and actively participate in.

But, I is a summary of what we talked about today.

4:15 - 5:00 New Executive Training with Old Executives
5:00 - 6:00 New Executive Meeting

* Welcome, time to get down to business!
* Events (Bill)
- Ideas for calendar event
* Membership (Brooke and Michelle)
- Creating a standardized form for all meetings and events
- A information sheet about NLSA for potential new students
* Policy (Justin)
- University deadlines for grants this year
* Finance (Molly)
- Current financial standing
* President (Annie)
- Book drive
- Career Fair

In the coming weeks we are going to highlight some of topics covered and definitely expand upon these topics, namely all the cool events we are in the process of planning.

So, that leaves us to this weeks question: If you were to create an information sheet about NLSA for new students what types of information would you like to include on that?

Finally, start writing in those calendars, it is never to early. First membership meeting for NLSA is Wednesday, October 7th at 8:15 p.m. Be there!! We will have treats!

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